This may turn into a running series if my parents continue to rock this way.
Today in the mail I got this card from them, random out of the blue, just something to cheer me up because they know I've been down.
See, the fact that they did this just made my day good. It has given me something to smile over and is going to make me laugh for a while. Especially since they like to say they planned how to make my life miserable anyway.
Things like this are the reason that I am going to fight to spend the holidays with my family at my new job, no matter what.
Today in the mail I got this card from them, random out of the blue, just something to cheer me up because they know I've been down.
See, the fact that they did this just made my day good. It has given me something to smile over and is going to make me laugh for a while. Especially since they like to say they planned how to make my life miserable anyway.
Things like this are the reason that I am going to fight to spend the holidays with my family at my new job, no matter what.